Nokia C3-01

Nokia C3-01 There are 9 products.

Spare parts for Nokia C3-01 ----rongNokia C3-01 is a touch and type compact smartphone and pleasant to take in the hand, its design is sober, chrome all metal offers a very positive look, the internal memory is a little low since it reaches only 30 MB but can be extended thanks to a micro SD card of 32GB, to have more storage space, the camera is very interesting since it has a resolution of 5 megapixels with LED flash, allowing to take pictures of very good amateur quality, more it offers a very useful FM function FM radio stations, its 2.4-inch screen is tactile, accompanied by a physical keyboard. ****

In this category, all people looking to repair their Nokia C3-01, will find the necessary spare parts, such as coques No.Kia C3-01, Nokia C3-01 power cablestrong, Nokia C3-01 batteries, Nokia C3-01 SIM card readers, Nokia C3-01 camera blocks

Outages are becoming more frequent and diverse on smartphones, in fact people are paying less and less attention nowadays to their smartphones, dropping them in the toilet or in the bathtub, dropping them from the top of the bed or sofa or into the ru e, all these falls are often fatal for the smarbecause they create violent shocks that the device cannot take without being damaged and the most affected parts are of course the cran LCD Nokia C3-01The Nokia C3-01 touch screen and the Nokia C3-01 casethey are most at risk of falls and shocks.(p)

For people who want to help out their Nokia C3-01 smartphones,trong piece-mobile, offers them all the spare parts they need, not to mention the tutorials and repair guides that are made available to anyone who is looking to repair their smartphone without the help of a specialist.

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