Nokia C2-05

Nokia C2-05 There are 10 products.

Nokia C2-05 ---- Owned by the entry-level Nokia brand, the 'strong'>C2-05 is a smartphone with very average characteristics since its camera has a low resolution of 0.3 megapixels that allows to take photos of very average quality, this device does not have a 3G connection, but includes the FUNCTION EDGE that allows to connect to the internet network, an average screen of 2 inches and some useful functions like Facebook and Twitter. ****

In ccategory are proposed spare parts used to repair this smartphone in case of failures are found parts such as screens LCD Nokia C2-05, power cablestrong Nokia C2-05, Shells Nokia C2-05, touch windows Nokia C2-05, battery caches Nokia C2-05 and any other piece sought.(p)

Accidents that cause breakdowns on smartphones are common, is composed of materials of relatively medium quality and not very resistant especially to falls and violent shocks that negatively affect the an LCD Nokia C2-05The touch glassThe Nokia C2-05 battery cache and the Nokia C2-05 case, but the outages are not limited to theseparts of the smartphone, since each piece without exception can break down due to elements like liquids that touch parts composed of electronic circuits or as the use too frequent without maintenance and without taking care of his smartphone all this can lead to having to replace parts that are old or that no longer work at all.

The personnes looking to repair their smartphones will find at piece-mobile all the useful spare parts for repairs to the Nokia C2-05 as well as accessories, plus people wishing to learn how to repair their smartphones alone will have as support video tutorials and repair guides to help them.

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